Sunday, October 23, 2005

Yay Seven Hours of Swing Over the Weekend

I now know enough Lindy to teach my sisters some basic stuff when I go back home for Thanksgiving. 'Twill be quite fun. (The lead steps BACKWARD at the beginning of BOTH sections! Transitions into Lindy from East-Coast happen on the 5-6-7-8! RIGHT FOOT (backwards!) after the triple step! "rock-step triple-step 5 6 triple-step!"). Though really...the super-good people don't seem to worry about any of that. They just get the 1-2 on the beat, and do nutso stuff for the rest of it.

I would love to be able to show said sisters some of the more complicated turns, but I still have to solidify my following on those before I can lead them.

Lindy is much more fun than east coast. Far more momentum; far better counterweight and tension. At least when you're comparing both of them on the basic level.

Leading is hard on the right hand. Lots of support and catching happens with it.

What I should really be doing is getting down the waltz steps, as I'll actually be tested on those for an actual class. But I get the lead and follow terribly confused when I do so...and Lindy is a lot more fun.

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