Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Stupid Politicized Public Image of My College...

Fun Hillsdale fact of the day (which-you'd-never-learn-from-reading-our-fundraising-propaganda): The Hillsdale Democrats number 50 members. They still need to get some better slogans...Chesterton on progressivism would generally go over better up here than Lennon's "Imagine." (I like Dr. Wyatt-Hayes's office door). But otherwise, go them, especially for trying to get a speaker to come in to talk about Hillsdale County poverty.

I am getting irked by politics and Hillsdale again. When I say "I go to Hillsdale" -- what does everyone think of? POLITICS. Why is it that we can't get any grand publicity and promotion of our history and English departments, our conservative ecumanism, or our honors program? Why is it always "yay conservative politics!" Thank God that ideologism has pretty much confined itself to the economics and poly-sci departments -- but it would be nice if they weren't the only facet of Hillsdale that got all the publicity and attention.


Augie Fackler said...

I agree...a lot of people have a very odd image of Hillsdale.
That said, we are an odd institution in that we have so many conservatives, and that tends to make an impression on people more than anything else. We're only really famous (so it seems, anyway) because we refuse federal aid.

Will said...

Yeah. I do wish that more people would think of HC as being conservative in the sense of having an appreciation of, and respect for, the past and a consideration of past ideas in thinking about future endeavors--and that they wouldn't just think of us as an appendage of the Republican Party, with a few wacky libertarians thrown in.