Sunday, October 30, 2005

Icon Pie

At last night's dinner in Waterman (with apologies if I got the exact wording of this wrong):

Laura: [brings out the lemon meringue pie and sets it on the table]
Paul: [gets down on his knees before the pie]
Laura: "Paul -- get up. Stop worshiping the pie."
Paul: "I'm not worshiping it. I'm adoring it."
Laura: "So stop adoring it, then."
Paul: "But it's not an idol, you's an icon!"
Laura: "Paul..."
Marie: "He's right! You've taken things that are good, and made them into something very good!"
Paul: "I'm looking through it! And this pie definitely shows me something of the glory of God."
Laura: [mumbles profound disagreement with the whole thing]
Everyone: [eats pie]

Which was probably only uproariously funny to us because we'd just had Aiden Hart (an famous English iconographer) come through and give a couple lectures. Still...'twas fun.

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