Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Music, Books, and More (I'm Not Dead!)

So...um...what have I been doing lately? Aside from only being able to be on the computer about 15 minutes a day...

MusicMarie-gets-sidetracked-in-the-300-section-of-the-library BooksBooks that sidetracked me from the checked out books:
  • Galileo's Daughter (Dava Sobel) -- haven't gotten this one either, but it's what we have to read for the retreat next semester
  • A Knight of the White Cross (GA Henty) -- umm...this book had so many problems style-wise I hardly noticed the plot. Usually Henty is at least passable.
  • Out of the Silent Planet and Perelandra -- doh! These make sense now! Maybe I'll make it through the third one this time! Knowing a bit about Medieval cosmology, Augustine's take on evil, and Lewis's general word-pictures of things REALLY helps. Two years ago these books were just plain weird. Now they're pretty cool.
    Secondly and more importantly -- WHY has no one done a comparison between His Dark Materials and The Space Trilogy? It would make a hell of a lot more sense than comparing them to Narnia. Eldil = Dark Matter, for one thing...

  • "The Most Pitiful and Pathetic Story in the World" -- umm...21 single-spaced 12pt font pages of...something...that two of my little sisters and their friend cooked up, and read to me over dinner in a dramatic interpretation. I gave them an authoritative quote to stick on the front of it: "...a disturbingly fascinating sociological exercise in community-building." Or "James Joyce, as a kid, on drugs, after reading Lord of the Rings."
Stuff I'm hoping to get entries up on sometime:
  • The Most Pitiful and Pathetic Story in the World
  • Star Wars (um...yes. Still have the rough draft of this lying around).
  • Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo
  • GA Henty -- what to watch out for, what to read, what to avoid
  • Fanfiction
  • The Credo

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