Sunday, June 12, 2005

Morosely Bemused Head Banging with No Reolution in Sight

Alternatively titled "I throw down some things on paper with vague intentions of maybe someday expounding a little upon them." Or maybe, "Hoozah! Depressing merry-go-round worldviewing again!"

  1. I wish I were Amish. Or an African tribal warrior. Things would be a whole lot easier.

  2. Ha! I'm not!

  3. I'm not one of those "minds of peculiar structure" (27th paragraph) George Washington talks about either. Too prone to rationalization (in the bad sense).

  4. And bother sticks and stones. Name calling really does get to me.

  5. Why? Because it's unjust? Because it's blazingly inaccurate? Because it's true and I don't want to face it?

  6. Why can't we all just get along?

  7. Maybe I should just start being -- I can't think of an equivalent not-so-offensive word, so I will use this one -- asshole as well. It would be cathartic.

  8. Chesterton is cathartic.

  9. Yes, that would be a logical fallacy. But it's rather funny.

  10. And these are the sorts of people I'm going to live and study with for at least the next eight years of my life. Lucky Amish who can afford to ignore all this. [the thread is gone now...if memory serves me, it was basicially Dawkins "gerin iol." On steroids, with people saying governments need to step in and rescue children from religious homes.]

  11. Ignorant bliss is underrated.

  12. "On Merciful Inconsistency." (Thanks to Laura C. for telling me about her paper).

  13. I need to memorize the Bach fugue and learn the Barber Excursions.

  14. Hypothetical Person: "What right do you have to be talking about any of this? I'm a frigging history and religion major! You're studying piano performance!"

  15. Blue.

  16. Science has a track record, people. Deal with it up and stop the bashing.

  17. And could someone give me a bloody definition of this "science" thing? Bother the demarcation problem. And bother 3-paragraph answers. I want a 300-page thesis, minimum.

  18. Everyone likes black and white us vs. thems.

  19. Alas in my naïveté to think that everyone valued calmness and civility in discourse.

  20. If you can't beat them, join them? "Checkerboards and bullet holes! I'm right and you're insane!"

  21. What in the bloody blazing hell is "fascism"? 300 page theses preferred (see above).

  22. The vicious trilemma (fourth post down) strikes again. "With me," "ignorant," or "evil." No room for honest disagreement.

  23. Humans are a messed up, inconsistent, biased, irrational mess. What can one do? Mal the unmalleable? Gnash one's teeth in rage? Weep in sorrow? Laugh? Roll with the punches? e) all of the above?

  24. "They set up a perfect version of the world, and when the world fails to adjust itself to their expectations, it's no wonder they become angry and bitter." (I will eventually find the author of this).

  25. Utopia = no place

  26. Alternatively..."The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." (Shaw)

  27. It's all bemusedly tolerant fun and games until people start getting hurt.

  28. Things are always better after a hour's run and a shower.

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