Sunday, May 15, 2005

Limbo-Student Fun

So, in these five or so days between the end of finals and the start of summer school (or vacation or camp or graduation), we limbo students have discovered that, yes, there are actually plenty of fun and interesting things to do up here in the middle of nowhere. Sort of fun and interesting, at least.

  • take crazy grocery shopping trips to Kroger's. Grocery shopping is quite fun if you're really tired.* I think the cashier thought we were inebriated.

  • go to all the dinners that upperclassmen host for the stuck students

  • talk about books and poetry and words and TS Eliot and Augustine and Dr. S, trying to avoid saying "cool" and "awesome." You fail utterly if you're really tired.*

  • take long walks in the woods around the lake in the middle of thunderstorms

  • run around campus in the middle of REALLY BAD thunderstorms

  • thunderstorms, period. Watching, talking about, playing in, etc.

  • get semi-lost in the woods around the lake, stumble out into civilization, and claim the newly discovered land for Dr. Birzer and Western Civilization. While reciting randomly remembered snatches of The Ballad of the White Horse. (It sort of helps if you're really tired for this, too).*

  • sneak lots of food from the cafeteria

  • sneak into the arboretum at night, even if it's raining

  • dry off, spend 30 minutes trying to get the DVD player to work, succeed, then decide to watch a VHS tape anyway
*Pretty much anything on this list works better if you're really tired. It's like the underage form of getting drunk or something.

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