Friday, February 02, 2007

Reintroductory Post, Part 1

So...yeah. It's been a while.

I took a good semester off. And a Christmas break. 'Twas a most beneficial and necessary thing.

I'm sure I had some good thoughts about something during that time. It's all pretty much a blur, though, and I wish I'd kept a better record of it than scattered longhand scribblings.

I'll let my sister Emily help summarize the situation:

Emily: "So...Ree! What have YOU been doing at college (besides exams and stuff)??"
Me: "Mmm...growing up, mostly."
Emily: "That sounds rough."
Me: "Yeah -- it kinda is."
Emily: "Well -- just think. In February you'll be 21, and able to DRINK! And that will be the biggest step of all."
Me: "I love you, Em."

So -- hey y'all (again), and hopefully I'll occasionally have something somewhere worth saying here. ;)

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