Friday, July 07, 2006

Tae Kwon Do (Woh-Pah!)

I've been attending Tae Kwon Do classes for about a month.

One of my brothers started taking lessons several years ago; my other four siblings picked it up last fall. I finally gave in after coming home and realizing that they knew how to kill me 27.5 different ways, and that I didn't even know how to land a punch.

Plus, roundhouse spinning back kicks are just plain cool. I defy anyone to watch them being practiced day in and day out, and not get even a slight bit jealous.

So, hoping I wouldn't have to break too many boards, or do anything else that would splinter the little tiny bones in my hand I rather desperately need to play the piano, I trudged along with them to class.

Grand list of accomplishments so far:
  • I can count to eight in Korean!
  • I can do a roundhouse kick (and hit the target 40% of the time!)
  • I can make my littlest brother collapse on the floor laughing as he watches me practice my fighting moves! ("No, no, silly -- not like THAT! The guy is over there!")
  • And I can make it through the white belt form. :) And, yeah, I've broken the obligatory board.

So...assuming I don't do anything stupid at testing at the end of the month, I'll be a yellow belt by the time I get back to college. (Bwahaha!) And someday I'll finish hacking out how TKD has cemented my views on liturgical worship and the sacraments... ;)

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