Friday, November 11, 2005

Nation Building Fun

NationStates is a pretty neat place. You get to set the initial political and social parameters of a country, then make decisions about various laws and issues that arise. The first Big Issue appears to be voluntary vs. compulsory voting.

My two countries are in their infancy, created out of thin air tonight with 5 minutes of button-clicking. And they've got lousy names...I really should have thought them out better, rather than typing in the first things that came to my head.

The Nomadic Peoples of Illing are a demi-communist Christian community. Or an attempt at one. The initial parameter settings didn't come out quite right. And by the time the voting mess is figured out, I don't know WHAT they'll sound like.

The Federation of Rhadika is sort-of libertarian country, and a slightly more serious attempt at nation-building.

I also wanted to make the Byzantine Empire. And Hillsdale College. Plus throw theonomy into the mix for another country. And other randomly fun stuff. :-)

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