Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Get Your Hands Off My Subculture!

After trying to be vaguely rational or calm about all this, I've given up. If there's no opprobrium over "f*** Bush!" as an argument, then I think I can be irrational for a moment, too.

Ahem. I have five siblings. I wear long skirts. And blouses. With tennis shoes, too, when I go walking. I was (mostly) homeschooled. And you know what? Bother the rest of the world. I like it. I like my big family, I like my bluejean skirts. And I bloody well like boys opening doors for me. Hanging out with families like the Grubens, the Robinsons, and VanderHamms is awesomely fun. And young men who are articulate, responsible, and who I can bloody well look up to are cool.

Getting a little defensive? Yes I am! We're a nusto, screwy subculture, and we've got plenty of problems. But it's my subculture, I tell you! There's a bit of cultural pride and identity going on, here. We can mock and poke fun at it and laugh at it -- but woe betide you presumptuous, ignoramus outsiders if you start in on it.

"Oh! The poor girl! She's being repressed!"

::snorfle:: OMG! Save me! Help! Help! I'm being repressed!

It's opportunity cost, man. Stupid, idiotic, unavoidable opportunity cost, if you want to get all analytical about it. Every time you choose one thing, you're sacrificing the possibility of a ton of other things. I can't major in both music and history to the level I want to. I ditched the history major. My mom couldn't both have a military career and devote all the time that she wanted to her family. She ditched the behavioral science job. We've made our choices and decided our priorities. So get out of our lives. (Please).

Bother. And before there's some sort of reverse-'Somebody Else's Child' Syndrome going on, it's not predestinationishly inescapable...not in my experience, at least.


Daniel said...

I don't have a problem with jean skirts in a personal choice sense, or a lifestyle sense, but just an aesthetic/fashion sense. Otherwise, its cool.

MJ said...

Whoah -- there's people here! :-)

Dan: thanks for adding me to the Hillsdale Blog page. (And I do have rather lousy fashion sense...)

aether: I support Bush and all (or at least voted for him despite some disagreements). I guess what I was trying to get at was that "f*** Bush" is a lousy, irational, emotive response to something...which is pretty much what my own post was (albeit a bit longer and more detailed :-)).