Thursday, February 24, 2005

First Post

Introductions being good things to is one.

As fair warning, I think I'll tend to talk here about movies, books, art, Christianity, college life, and other stuff like that...I'm not much for politics, or for relating bits of daily life, but I suppose I might wind up with a few things to say about those, too.

Here is a new and hopefully improved "about me" section:

I'm a music major. And technically a history major, too, but it's basically just a side interest and hobby now.

I tend to philosophize too much, and kick myself out of journaling and blogging for months at a time if the problem gets too serious.

I'm a Christian. I tend to find myself inhabiting the conservative, ecumenical, missional, and Calvinist camps, to varying degrees.

I like the book of Job. I like Harriet Beecher Stowe's critique of Calvinist theology. I think there are severe problems with Van Tillian apologetics, though I haven't been able to nail them down yet.

I sometimes wonder if women's lib is a fluke of history.

I'm trying to philosophize less. I'm learning how to cook. I'm hoping to get into grad school. I like tea, postmillenialism, and string quartets. I think sunrises are generally overrated.

And if it helps any:

pä'-sä -käl'-yä -- a piece in triple meter with a recurring harmonic pattern over which variations of the melody occur. It's often sort of like a fugue. In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was also a dance-meter.

lontano (It.) -- far away, in the distance.

I called it that because it sounded pretty, mostly.

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