Monday, December 29, 2008

Caesar and Co.

Has anyone ever tried to conquer the world just to see if they could DO it? Not for any grand idealistic reasons, or for the money, or for security...but just because it was the best challenge around?

People climb mountains because they're there; others compete at sports to challenge themselves. I can imagine entrepreneurs starting businesses for challenge and interest of the attempt. Shucks, folks have even conned everyone in sight for the heck of it. Do people do it in politics, too?

The founders talked about channeling ambition. Is this part of what they meant?

For the record, my strategy and ambition isn't quite up to the challenge of conquering the world, however interesting said conquering might be. Should I embark down the path of territorial politics, I've decided I'd better stick with a VERY tiny country. Like Monaco, or some tiny island in the Pacific. Or maybe the future settlement on Mars. Heading a settlement on another planet might technically count as conquering a world, right? :)

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